INFO 253 - Front End Web Architecture

Course webpage for INFO 253 at the School of Information

Project maintained by UCB-INFO-FRONTEND-WEBARCH Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Assignment 1

Build a static website

Our assignments are going to be built around building a blog from the ground up and eventually hosting your blog in the cloud. For this first assignment, you are going to take the content that is in the raw_content folder and build a blog out of it.

You will use HTML and CSS to build a static web page using the content that is provided in the link below. The content contains five blog articles that will be separate pages on your website.

Download content for website here

Note: PLEASE CREATE A FOLDER CALLED “assignment1” in your assignment repo that you created and put all artifacts (your html and css files) in that folder. ALSO BE SURE THAT YOU PUSHED YOUR REPO TO GITHUB

You will need to do the following:

Create a homepage

Create five blog posts with the content in the raw_content folder

Create an About Us page

Look and feel

Other requirements

Extra Credit

Note Please be sure to create an “assignment1” folder for all files relating to assignment1 inside of your git repo Note Please be sure that YOUR NEW CHANGES ARE ON GITHUB!!!