Modern Javascript II
Kay Ashaolu
More Syntactic sugar
Sugar is nice
Template literals
- Template literals makes adding variables to your strings much easier
- Many Languages (like Python and Ruby) has this built into the langauge
Template literals example
let name = "Jon Snow";
let msg = `My name is ${name}`;
Destructuring objects and arrays
Let's just get into an example
Destructuring objects example
let person = {firstName: "Jon", lastName: "Snow", age: 23}
const {firstName, age} = person
Destructuring objects example explained
- You can instantly assign variables to the values in a object in one line
- It's intuitive if you look at an example
- Can do this a number of ways, but this can reduce lines of code
Destructuring arrays example
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
let [a,b,,d,e] = arr
Destructuring arrays example explained
- You can do the same thing with arrays
- Order of the array that is the result of destructuring matters
- You can skip what you don't want by leaving that position blank
New Data Structures
- There are new robust data structures that were introduced in ES6
- This will be a fast intro into a topic that is typically a Computer Science course
- However, focus on the situations when the data structure is used
- There is now a separate object type dedicated to Maps
- Let's see how we can use it
Maps Example
let NewMap = new Map();
NewMap.set('name', 'John');
NewMap.set('id', 2345796);
NewMap.set('interest', ['js', 'ruby', 'python']);
NewMap.get('name'); // John
NewMap.get('id'); // 2345796
NewMap.get('interest'); // ['js', 'ruby', 'python']
But why don't we use Objects?
When to use Objects
- Faster for small data structures
- Can associate functionality to data structure
When to use Maps
- Adding/deleting lots of keys
- Preserves order of keys
- Better at storing lots of data
- A set is a list of unique items
- We now have a data structure that ensures uniquness
Sets example
var sets = new Set();
sets.add('a'); // We are adding duplicate value.
for (let element of sets) {
// Output a, b
- So you will hear a lot of stuff saying that Javascript implements prototypical inheritance
- Don't worry about it.
- Let's focus on what a traditional object-oriented class is and how you can use it
What is a Class?
- A class is the opportunity to define your own type
- (String, Integer, Function, etc)
- You can associate state (variables) and functionality (functions) in the same type (think an array)
Class example
class Car {
constructor () {
this.fuel = 0
this.distance = 0
move () {
if (this.fuel < 1) {
throw new RangeError('Fuel tank is depleted')
this.distance += 2
addFuel () {
if (this.fuel >= 60) {
throw new RangeError('Fuel tank is full')
Class example explanation
- constructor: A special function that is executed on creation of a new instance of the class
- this.fuel and this.distance: two variables that will be associated with each instance of the classes
- this: a reference to the instance of the class being created
Class example explanation 2
- move and addFuel are functions that are associated with instances of class Car
var car = new Car()