Storage Systems as a Service

Kay Ashaolu

Why data storage?

  • When we make a web request, where do we get the data from?
  • When we create data, where do we put it?
  • Where do "resources" live?


  • Lots of data to store
    • Shortcut to url mapping
    • Statistics about links
    • Information about users


long url
short url
hit count 482240

long url
short url
hit count 11023

long url
short url
hit count 1232

Data Storage Design

  • What is the storage format?
  • How do we lay out data?
  • How do we access data?

Why use a file?

  •,, 482240
  •,, 11023
  •,, 1232
  • What are the pros and cons?

Problems with Files

  • What if we want to add another field?
  • What if we want to query different parts of data? How efficient is this?
  • What if we have concurrent accesses?
  • What data structures should we use?

Data Independence

  • Databases: apps shouldn’t have to worry about these problems!
  • Underlying storage format independent of application-level logic

Relational Data Stores

  • RDBMS: Relational Database Management System
  • Invented in the 1970s
  • e.g., Oracle, MySQL, Postgres, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server

Relational Model

  • Reason about sets of facts, or "tables"
  • Each fact is a "row"
  • Attributes are "columns" of row


  • Different approach to data storage
  • Simple but predictable data models
  • Often have to build own features
  • Designed for massive scale-out

Key-Value Store

put(key, value) get(value)
  • Simple API
  • Easy to understand performance
  • Easy to scale and use
  • Simple API
  • Must handle own schema management
  • May need to manually implement search features

Document Store

	"long_url": "",
	"short_url": "qwelmw",
	"hit_count": 2
  • No predefined schema
  • Store handles layout of arbitrary fields
  • Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB, Cassandra, Redis

Front End

  • Since we are on the front end, we don't normally deal with the database details
  • What we really need is the ability to reach out to a service that gives us the capabilities of using a database
  • Sounds like what we need is an API!

Google Firebase

  • A NoSQL Cloud database that we can directly use with our React Applications
  • Provides an API to save JSON data to the cloud
  • Gives us the ability to save, access, and search data outside of the confines of our application
  • We can write our front end code in React, and use API's to provide the functionality we need without a webserver


  • You will need to add the firebase sdk to your react project
  • You do this by including the firebase module in your package.json under "dependencies": "firebase": "7.2.2"
  • package.json is a file that tells your set up what libraries to install (like react and react-dom) using NodeJS
  • When you type npm start, you are running your own development server driven by the package.json file

Set up your database

  • Go to Firebase Console, sign up and create a project
  • Click on the left hand side: "Database", scroll down and select "Realtime Database"
  • Start in test mode
  • Click on gear on left hand side next to Project Overview and select "Project Settings"
  • Copy "Web API Key"


  • Starter code for using Google Realtime Database is in this folder
